What are the Warning signs after Postpartum?

With all of your attention and excitement focused on your pregnancy and new baby, the physical and emotional aspects of postpartum recovery can be unexpected. The exhaustion, discomfort, headaches, fever, bleeding, and other aches and symptoms that follow delivery and nine months of childbirth can be perplexing, if not alarming. 1 However, it's typical for the mother to experience significant changes (and some discomfort) throughout this period of healing and transition.

Your body takes a huge toll after giving birth. In the days and weeks following your baby's birth, you may experience a variety of sensations. Your body takes a huge toll after giving birth. In the days and weeks following your baby's birth, you may experience a variety of sensations.

As your body adjusts to life after pregnancy, it's typical to wonder if a symptom is normal or not in the first six weeks after delivery. Your first instinct as a new mom may be to put yourself last, but it's critical to take care of yourself while caring for your baby. Begin by listening to your body and determining which postpartum symptoms require a visit to your doctor.

Look for the following signs:

•           Constipation and hemorrhoids

•           Cramping

•           Fatigue

•           Mood swings

•           Pain (including in the perineum, back, neck, shoulders)

•           Bladder problems

•           Body aches

•           Bowel problems

•           Breast engorgement

•           Pelvic bone problems (separated pubic bones or a fractured tailbone)

•           Postpartum bleeding

•           Soreness in the vaginal area

The following are some of the most frequent postpartum health issues you may face:1

While most postpartum health issues are predicted (by doctors), minor (though they can be painful or uncomfortable), and common, some concerns require medical treatment. Be aware that everyone's postpartum experience will be different, depending on their pregnancy, labor and delivery, medical history, and other circumstances. Always contact your doctor if you have any questions or concerns.While the majority of symptoms are normal during postpartum recovery, there are a few that need a call to 911 or a trip to the emergency room. Chest discomfort, coughing or gasping for air, convulsions, thoughts of harming oneself or one's kid, severe pain in the lower abdomen, and pain, swelling are all signs and symptoms that demand quick attention and tenderness.


Postpartum Fever and Other Signs of Infection:

Chills or fever of 101 degrees F or greater:

IV-site pain:

Painful perineum

Sore breasts with flu-like symptoms


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